Science & Technology

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Improving Air Force Enterprise Resource Planning-Enabled Business Transformation— Nov 25, 2013

RAND Project AIR FORCE identified key conditions to aid the success of business transformation enabled by enterprise resource planning systems, challenges the Air Force must address to achieve them, and options for overcoming these challenges.

Mileage-Fee Design Strategies to Reduce System Cost and Increase Public Acceptance— Nov 14, 2013

toll booth with ezpass
As traditional transportation revenue sources primarily based on gas tax continue to dwindle or stay even at best, the notion of transitioning to a vehicle-miles-traveled fee or mileage-based user fee has come under substantial consideration. Some design strategies can reduce system costs and increase public acceptance of mileage-based fees.

After NSA Spying Revelations, US Must Reform Rules on Secrecy and Data — Nov 13, 2013

A protester during a rally against mass surveillance near the U.S. Capitol
The U.S. should make two key reforms. First, the over-designation of material as classified makes it is harder to protect the few real secrets; this must be change. Second, the FISA court must become a gatekeeper for NSA access to communications data.

Predictive Policing: An Effective Tool, but Not a Crystal Ball — Nov 13, 2013

Predictive policing is not an end-all solution, but rather a tool that must be used in concert with other policing resources as part of a broader anti-crime effort. Used properly, predictive policing can predict the risk of future events, but not the events themselves.

DoD Takes First Steps Toward Improving Workforce Diversity — Nov 11, 2013

ethnically diverse scientists in lab
In response to a government directive to increase diversity across all federal agencies, the Department of Defense held a diversity summit for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers. Coordinating efforts across the organization can help the department reach its STEM-diversity workforce goals.

Satellites for Rent — Nov 7, 2013

Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Gansu province
Reports earlier this year that the U.S. Department of Defense leased a Chinese satellite to support military operations in Africa sparked concern that the arrangement could compromise control over U.S. military communications, or, worse, allow Chinese intelligence gatherers access to privileged military data.

Radicalization in the Digital Era — Nov 5, 2013

A ground-breaking new report on the use of the Internet in 15 cases of terrorism and extremism provides primary data on how the Internet is used by individuals in the process of their radicalization. The study yields recommendations for framing policy responses to the use of the Internet in radicalization.

U.S. Navy Employment Options for Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) — Nov 1, 2013

Assesses in what ways and to what degree unmanned surface vehicles are suitable for supporting U.S. Navy missions and functions.

Employing Land-Based Anti-Ship Missiles in the Western Pacific — Nov 1, 2013

This report illustrates the potential strategic advantages for the United States of a land-based anti-ship missile capability that could be deployed to the Western Pacific in the event of a conflict with China.

Implications of an Air Force Budget Downturn on the Aircraft Industrial Base: An Exploratory Analysis — Nov 1, 2013

The U.S. Air Force is facing a number of challenges as a result of the current defense budget downturn. RAND examined the challenge of modernizing the Air Force's aircraft fleet while trying to sustain the industrial base with limited funding.

The Downside of Drones — Oct 31, 2013

Pakistani girl holds up a picture she drew depicting the U.S. drone strike on her village which killed her grandmother
The chief political drawback is that target countries' populations view drone attacks as violations of their sovereignty every bit as much as manned raids. The chief military drawback: A drone attack destroys the critical intelligence that is needed to ensure that the tactical strike can be converted to strategic advantage.

Capacity Management and Changing Requirements: Cost Effective Decision Making in an Uncertain World — Oct 30, 2013

Explores other options for dealing with excess Air Force fleet capacity and their relative cost effectiveness.

Monopoly and Micro-Irrigation in Smallholder Water Markets: Using Exploratory Modeling to Consider Interactions between Market Structure and Agriculture Technology Subsidies— Oct 30, 2013

Explores the changes water market participants may experience should there be a move to formalize water markets and establish tradable water rights.

Towards a dynamic and trustworthy Internet of Things — Oct 29, 2013

Brief summary of findings and recommendations for the European Commission, from a study of Europe's policy options for a dynamic and trustworthy development of the Internet of Things.

Policy Forum: Security Versus Privacy? — Oct 24, 2013

People are wondering how much America is, or should be, sacrificing privacy and civil liberties for the sake of homeland security. A RAND Policy Forum on October 24, 2013 will discuss where to draw the proper lines between privacy, security, and liberty.

Events @ RAND: Security Versus Privacy? — Oct 24, 2013

At this October 2013 event, Henry Willis, director of the RAND Homeland Security and Defense Center, moderated a panel discussion on U.S. efforts to strike a balance among privacy, security, and liberty.

How War on Terrorism Has Evolved — Oct 23, 2013

People hold posters of senior al Qaeda figure Abu Anas al-Liby during a demonstration over his capture by U.S. authorities
Special operations to capture terrorists are more dangerous than drone strikes, and nimble terrorist adversaries will develop countermeasures to make them even more difficult. But they are politically more acceptable and offer opportunities for intelligence and the visible delivery of justice.

RAND Summer Institute July 7–10, 2014 — Oct 22, 2013

Applications are being accepted now through March 21 for the 21st annual RAND Summer Institute (RSI), a pair of conferences on aging that will be held next July 7–10 at the RAND Corporation headquarters in Santa Monica.

The Future of Counterterrorism: Fewer Drones, More Partnerships — Oct 18, 2013

The opening of the 1st Afghan National Army Special Operations Brigade, Aug. 20, 2013
Drones are just one of three principal U.S. counterterrorism tools. Special Operations forces are now relying on a more balanced mix of tactics: Launching raids and developing partner forces offer more versatility than drone strikes and will probably become the wave of the future as America's big wars wind down.

War Robots Will Lessen Killing — Not Increase It — Oct 18, 2013

A autonomous vehicle maneuvers over concrete blocks during a demonstration.
Could armed autonomous robots embark on a campaign of indiscriminate killing? John Matsumura says there is a convincing base of evidence that robots are more likely to prevent slaughter than engage in it.