Knowledge E-Journals

S.Noe-Journals PackageNo.Of JournalsWebsite
1.IEEE145 E-Journals Plus backfile to 2000
2.Wiley Blackwell30 e- Journals Plus backfile since 2000
3.Springer46 e- Journals; Back file from 1997-2012
4.McGraw HillAccess Engineering Library
5.J-Gate4700 indexed full text 1700
6.Elsevier275 Journals Plus backfile to 2000 onwards
7.ASTM Digital Library1700 e- Books & 13000 Journals Articles
8.Delnet Database9,12,042 article record can be accessed
9.J-Gate (Management Sciences)6700 indexed, free full text 2000
10.RMIT (Informative Business Collection100 Journals+30 books
11.AICTE Gale Cengage Business & Co5865 (full text title 2482)